
Shopping for a Camera

I've decided to get a 35mm film camera so I can start practicing how to shoot film. I did some research online to see what my options are and discovered that there are lots of great old cameras out there at decent prices. The only problem is I have no idea which ones are good for me. In fact, this whole film thing seems a little overwhelming. I feel so alone and lost in this digital age. Why couldn't they just come up with a digital camera that can produce the look of film? How about an editing program that can truly produce film effect? Or maybe I just need a good mentor to guide me along the way. Where can I find someone like that?

1 comment:

Stephen DeVries said...

Such a great choice to dive into the world of film...and judging by your blog it seems to have been a great idea! and so glad you found Richard Lab...they make my life so much easier and my art so much more fun.

Keep it up...having "film mentors" helped me TONS when I was starting my film shooting and has pushed me to where I am now for sure.