
Fang Fang and Sean

What an unbelievable bride Fang Fang Li was! I still have a hard time believing my best friend since college is now a married women. Remembering those days that we sat together in music history and theory classes, not having much clue as to what in the world the professors were trying to drill into our heads, one can't help but feeling nostalgic. Luckly, those daunting days are finally over and we both have entered a new chapter in life. I am so happy that she married a wonderful man. Who says we are getting old? Life has just begun.


Let Me Go Home Please...

Get Me Out of Here Please...

My baby Racer hates going to the vet. He likes everybody except the guy in the white coat. And no special doggie treats from the vet makes any difference. As soon as the vet appears in the room Racer runs the other way, most likely ending up behind my legs, which is no help since I usually just drag him around and place him right in the vet's hands. Poor thing. I truly feel sorry for him, but I also know the importance of an annual checkup. Needless to say, I get pretty embarrassed in front of the vet. He is such a nice guy and always very understanding of strange doggie behaviors like this.

I tried taking a picture of the two together. Racer was not happy at all. He did sit still, but his body and facial language said it all, "I want to go home mommy..." Oh, what to do, what to do...


Home Sweet Home

Sometimes it takes a trip away from home for you to realize how much you love your own nest. Even the grass in the garden looks more lovelier than before.


On My Needle

Lovely Wool

I have this gorgeous yarn on my knitting needles right now. If I am lucky, it will turn into a gorgeous hat (hopefully soon).


Almost Winter


The weather is getting cold really fast. Enjoy the last bit of Fall while you can.


Take Me Home

Take Me Home

Every once in a while, I would see dogs from shelters being displayed at my local Pet's Mart. It's always so hard to walk away from them. The other day when I saw them again I happened to have my camera with me and took some pictures. I hope they all get to go live with good families, although I know it doesn't always happen.


New Found Love: Rapini

Have you tasted Rapini? It's so good! I recently discovered this vegetable at my local Meijers. I knew it was a popular Italian vegetable, but never tried it. When I finally tasted it, I realized how very similar it is to a type of Chinese broccoli called "caitai" or "菜苔". Ever since I came to the U.S. I haven't had caitai and I missed it very much. I can't tell you how happy I was when I tasted rapini. It tastes a bit like regular broccoli, but more tender and nuttier. Once you put it in the pan it cooks rather quickly. The leaves will shrivel up in no time. I can imagine there are so many ways you can use rapini in your everyday cooking. This will definitely be used a lot more in my home from now on.

New Scarve

I am not sure if I could call myself a loyal knitter because as soon as the weather gets warmer I stop knitting. There are a lot of knitters out there that knit throughout the year, even during the hot summer days. I rather take pictures, do some sewing, or just hide in the house when it's hot. However, come fall and winter, my knitting needles come out and I am non-stoppable!

My first project of the season is a scarve. It's a gift for a friend. The pattern is a simple knit 2 purl 2. So easy, so satisfying...


Yummy Film

I love getting film in the mail. Especially coming back from a professional lab like Richard Photo Lab in California. Yes, it takes a while, but when I see the result I have no complaints. The image quality is superb. Nothing like what you get from Sam's Club, although I do appreciate the quick turn around from those one-hour labs.

Ever since I started shooting film, I noticed how I often think of rolls of film as yummy candy or ice-cream. I get the same feeling when I look at balls of yarn (I love knitting by the way). How funny.