
Let Me Go Home Please...

Get Me Out of Here Please...

My baby Racer hates going to the vet. He likes everybody except the guy in the white coat. And no special doggie treats from the vet makes any difference. As soon as the vet appears in the room Racer runs the other way, most likely ending up behind my legs, which is no help since I usually just drag him around and place him right in the vet's hands. Poor thing. I truly feel sorry for him, but I also know the importance of an annual checkup. Needless to say, I get pretty embarrassed in front of the vet. He is such a nice guy and always very understanding of strange doggie behaviors like this.

I tried taking a picture of the two together. Racer was not happy at all. He did sit still, but his body and facial language said it all, "I want to go home mommy..." Oh, what to do, what to do...

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